Seongsu Cool (#NotInGangnam)
The funny thing is, the K-Pop song Gangnam Style ( ) actually mocks the bling-y, trashy-rich Gangnam crowds who are so sure of the superiority of their ways that —I’m told— they have ended up embracing the song, believing it a form of flattery. Good for them! Indeed, shall we say, they’re fun to watch for a while, but given the choice, you’ll certainly find me #NotInGangnam during my wandering weekends…
Onion Cafe, Seongsu-dong, Seongdong-gu, Seoul
The quest for My Favorite ’Hood has started, and is off on the right foot. Last Sunday, one in particular was a welcome find: you are on my map, 성수 (Seongsu)!
With a special mention to Onion Café and its labyrinthic, rooms and courtyards. You can be sure I’ll be back, as I can’t think of a much cooler and relaxed place to spend the waning hours of a Sunday afternoon.